Thursday, May 2, 2013


Then suddenly little Humphrey realized that it had not been water that he so swiftly and hurriedly drank from the flask around Rover's neck. 

Opening day at the Sevierville, Tennessee library had gone terrifically well until Beatrice left an open bag of Cheeto's lying on one of the break tables next to a partially open door... 

Even before she grew up and went on to become one of Little Rock's most notorious ladies of the night, Gwendolyn's parents knew that she was someone who had a tendency to wear short, flimsy dresses and way too much makeup... 
And so, after being ravaged by the colossal children from the planet Pituatarr, the once-sleepy town of Marysville surrendered unconditionally to their new rulers. 
Upon further reflection, and having noted the unexpected spaciousness of the beach, The Squeezen Family of seven determined that perhaps they should have brought along more than two towels. 
Practice at such an early age meant that little Roger would grow up to be a trumpet player without peer. He also emerged as the go-to guy for blowing up all birthday party and Halloween balloons. 

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