Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Rowena had no idea how she was going to make salad for four out of the puny head of lettuce Cliff brought back from IGA... 
JoAnne knew that Coralee's blind date was the dog of all time, but wasn't about to tell her beforehand and throw off the seating at Ernie's Steakhouse. 
Well, Aunt Penny got Uncle Warren to stand for a picture by the tree, but there was no way in HELL he was going to fall in and pose sideways between Corinne and Celia. 
It did Grandma Bette little good to know that Olivia's new puppy, Tag, could now take some of the blame for the occasional puddle on the front stoop... 
Roger debuted his new socks in the presence of Scamp, relieved and delighted that - unlike the old pair - they didn't resemble fire hydrants in the least! 
Madge and Becky felt secure in the knowledge that Skittles was not in any position to reveal that Madge's new hat had, in fact, come from the flower garden and was as heavy as a ceramic pot (for obvious reasons!) 
Dance partners being so scarce in Tuscaloosa, Skippy was forced to partner with Roscoe when the hit song "About a Quarter to Nine" came on the radio... 

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