Friday, May 10, 2013


Despite the happiness of the occasion, Rosetta knew that far more than the backyard shrubs were beginning to burst forth at the onset of spring. Cathy, too, was growing up (and out!) 

Even after Reggie came back from Sweden as Regina, Jiffy recognized him/her enough to where it made no difference in their pet-owner relationship. 
While Queenie and Scout were happy to be given a year's worth of new bones to chew on, they couldn't help but wonder whatever happened to those two Prohibition officers who had been hanging around so often the previous week. 
So long as Vincent still had the trots, Midge was determined to keep wearing her high-water slacks when venturing into the back yard. 
After three rowdy visits from Uncle Fred, and three consecutive bruised ribs, Mopsy was really beginning to tire of things and began to plot her revenge. 
Monica was distraught at the advent of Glamour Shots, having already spent the entirety of her self-portrait budget at Pasture Shots the year before. 
Carlene couldn't thank Bill enough for having raised the porch awning 8 inches... so that she could stand under it! 

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