Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Joyce was all smiles as she soaked up the sun at Sally's new pool, but, as it turned out, Foto-Mat wouldn't develop the series of snapshots taken after she'd added some gin to her 7-Up.

Mr. Henckleman's petunias had been effectively decimated, so Margaret was now free to show the rest of the neighborhood who was boss.

Cliff hated picture day at school enough as it was, but he truly despised the woman on site with a comb dipped in water...

It took some real doing, but Clark finally nailed down a date to the Clovernook Country Club Spring Fling.
Charlene had felt that Christmas went remarkably well and was thoroughly delightful... until she got the roll of film back with this photo on it; proof that Gary was getting "clever" with the camera again behind her back.
Sabina was proud that she and Kippy had found a way to refill the bird bath and conserve water at the same time, though she couldn't help but detect a certain recent lack of interest on the birds' part.

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