Wednesday, May 1, 2013


It thrilled Sheldon to no end that all of the proceeds from his top sales of Libby's canned cranberries could put him in a position to house his parents in a spanking new bi-level home.
Even as a child, years before she took up residence at the Hefner estate, Erica's parents thought she leaned ever so slightly in the direction of "easiness."
Ramona had left STRICT instructions for Betty to clean out the house and get rid of all unwanted items before she came home from work. Sadly, Betty took this literally and proceeded to rid herself of little Benjamin and Bill.
And so, with great success and surprisingly little negative reaction, the very first fund-raising Ashley Illinois Basketball Beefcake Calendar of 1921 went into print...
Lenore had been drinking Tab and dropping saccharin tablets into her Sanka in lieu of sugar for months now and felt that she had earned the right to show off the results in her new body-suit Tuesday evening down at Victory Lady Spa.
Even from his earliest days on earth, there was something distinctly special about little Ollie Parton and his family knew that there was a career in the biz just waiting for him.

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