Thursday, March 26, 2020


Randolph unquestionably excelled at being a scout and had a sashfull of badges to prove it, but if the truth were known, his mother understood fully why he hadn't received his merit badge for Interior Decorating...
Phyllis ran into a whale of a problem. As she was setting her hair for the big party at her place that night, she realized she had forgotten to mail out the invitations, so she had to scribble them off in a hurry and have them sent around town by special messenger!
Everything went well enough as Eddie and Ricky posed with Huhroubah until their mother brought over only two cones of cotton candy from the snack vendor and they didn't immediately act as if they planned to share it!


BrianB said...

Poor Randolph never understood the difference between the lived in look and the too lived in look. But those drapes are lovely! If he goes for his fashion design badge I hope he pulls them down and does a tribute to Balenciaga!


Poseidon3 said...

Anything to obscure those knees/legs....!

BrianB said...

He could have at least got the top of those socks even!


Shawny said...

Is that a baboon or a toilet seat?

Poseidon3 said...

If it's a toilet seat, I think it's been used....! :-O