Monday, May 27, 2013


Alexander adored spending the day on the beach with little Bruno, but had some serious trouble explaining the tan lines on his chest in the shape of dog ears.

And so, with its customary flourish of frantic ecstasy, the annual Delray Beach fashion show and pot luck supper drew to its conclusion. 
The early days of network TV were so riddled with repeat programming that Theodore often found it necessary to fortify himself with a Pabst Blue Ribbon before submitting to a fourth airing of the same episode of "Captain Video and His Video Rangers."
Even though, as they wore on, they tended to bring with them the threat of streams of verbal abuse and drunkenness, Rodney still looked forward to his dad's occasional weekend visits from Sing Sing as part of their pre-release program.
Though she was generally a good little girl, Carol Sue could occasionally be mischievous enough on report card day to lock her mother in the car and prevent her from getting to read it right away...
Tammy was so moved by "The Lion King" that everything else in her life was threatened with taking a back-seat to it.  She'd even decided to abandon her prior love of Fenton red glassware in exchange for this new obsession.  Yet looming on the horizon was the potential for another fixation.  Lady Liberty seemed to be calling to her.
We know that Superman fought crime as Superboy as well, but few people know about Batman's early days as Batboy.  Fortunately, this rare photo of him nabbing an underworld figure survives in order to document this important part of hero history!

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