Thursday, January 14, 2016


After many months of the same old thing, Roy finally discovered precisely the right payback for his sister Lorraine, who always insisted on being first in the bathroom and then proceeded to take lengthy soaks in the tub!
Having enjoyed such a beautiful, sunny afternoon in Bobby's most comfortable patio chair, John was disappointed to feel raindrops falling on his face. However, after a fair amount of them had trickled into his mouth, he found he really didn't care anymore...!
At last came the time when Ted was fully grown enough to leave The Nancy Parsons Home for Wayward Boys, but he would never forget Miss Knochbruster, who taught him such helpful things as automotive repair, heat welding and high beam construction.


Anonymous said...

Roy and Ted made my day

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Poor Nancy Parsons! I like her...Except for that time she teamed up with Mercedes McCambridge and tried to kill Cheryl Ladd (Note: one of the better post-Farrah episodes)

Poseidon3 said...
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Poseidon3 said...

I also loved Roy & Ted! It was just providence that I could make captioned photos that included hunks like them (especially Ted!)

Nancy seemed to be EVERYWHERE in the '70s and '80s though her resume is not quite as jam-packed as one might expect. It always made me smile that she popped up in "Steel Magnolias" as Janice Van Meter ("our mayor's wife.")