Thursday, October 10, 2019


Harmon had done nothing but sit and hiss at his owner Cathy's mysterious new interloper until finally she decided to pick him up and introduce the two formally. Thereafter, Harmon developed a bit of an unhealthy infatuation with the clock (which he nicknamed, "Simone!")
While all the shipwrecked seamen from the U.S.S. Pipedream had been praying that some food or other helpful supplies might wash ashore, the weren't exactly disappointed when a case of Hamm's beer was suddenly deposited onto the beach!
Though Mildred won scads of compliments for her Sunday morning ensemble, she couldn't help but grit her teeth that she'd lent her sister Mabel her pink and yellow purse for a VFW dance several months prior and never got it back...!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I can't decide if I would rather spend two days on Shipwreck Island or an afternoon going through Mildred's closet.

Poseidon3 said...

Reverse Sophie's choice! As tempting as Millie's Pucci-esque polys might be, I think I'd have to go with the island...

Shawny said...

Shipwreck Island...Mildred’s closet? I’m worried about the fingers on Cathy’s right hand.

Poseidon3 said...

Like my friend Chris always said, "You felt it, you smelt it!" or something like that! LOLOL Poor Harmon is close to being a hand puppet!