Friday, September 5, 2014


Valerie had no intention of allowing one of the bachelors at the reception to get the joy out of retrieving Krista's pretty garter. In fact, she decided to nab it for herself before the ceremony had even begun!
Everything had gone fine for Parker as he hollered for daddy to push him higher and higher in the swings at Hook & Eye Memorial Playground until his belt loop made contact with an upright crag of chain link.
Harv thought it only right that both his wife of thirty years, Joyce, and his prior wife of thirty years, Hilda, both get to pose for his grandson David's wedding portraits.
Punishment for double-parking was severe in Lockheed Village, as Denise found out the hard way, but fortunatelys other who'd been in her shoes were kind enough to keep her refreshed in the blazing sun with a couple of pints of Pabst Blue Ribbon.
It's not that Sheldon didn't appreciate his Aunt Goldie's generous gift, but this was the largest chew toy he'd ever seen and getting it up on his chair was so much work he almost dreaded having to locate the squeaker!
Even though she should have been consoled with the fact that she'd landed Alan, Misty couldn't help but remain jealous of Tracey because somehow she seemed to have that special something that Misty lacked...

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