Friday, September 26, 2014


Bethany was thrilled with the quantity and quality of the Christmas presents that Santa brought her this year, however she would have to rely on The Easter Bunny to bring her a new and effective hairbrush...
Mother Renate and little sister Francine were so thrilled to finally get to visit Miranda after her move to Reno, Nevada two years prior. For some reason this time out, they weren't able to see the "restaurant" where she worked as a "hostess".....
Wanda and Chet sometimes liked to invite Mary Lou and Leroy over for the evening, just so they could check and be sure that the ScotchGuard truly was working on the La-Z-Boy...
And so just like that, the official first meeting of The Clover Hill Bundt Club came to order although within four months, Irene (far right) would be expelled for repeatedly using frosting on her cakes instead of the preferred glaze.
Angie had wanted a portrait taken of her between her two new Kittyplay art pieces, but Bob snapped the shutter before she was completely posed and that was the final exposure left on the roll of film!
Her parents thought it might do her social life some good if Celestina occasionally entertained a gentleman caller on the front porch. However, her decision to utilize the stairs rather than the cozy glider only served to make things more difficult.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Miranda should have her own TV show.

Poseidon3 said...

Isn't she amazing? The only word to describe her is "fantabulous!"