Wednesday, September 3, 2014


During some of those long, lonely, boring tours of duty at sea, Chet could occasionally be found on his bunk with some cheesecake, rooting around in his nuts...
Lilypat found out moments after this snapshot that little Armie was bound to be a family doctor or a podiatrist, for not only did he check her reflexes with incredible vigor but he also tried to give her hammer toe!
One of Lenore's favorite summer pastimes was to load little J.J. into his stroller, walk him down to the playground and then park him in the hot sun while she took part in all the rides and activities!
Time and again, Steve had asked Amelia not to park her bike in the grass when he was about to mow, so her threw her and then the bike across the privacy fence where Mr. & Mrs. Toro had to deal with them...
Rue and Kevin were a very symbiotic couple and loved to spend plenty of time together in close quarters, which was not only beneficial emotionally, but also saved them money since Kevin hardly ever wore down his shoes...
And so Bryce and Jonathan waited until they were sure that Bryce's wife Sunny was completely under the spell of her specially-mixed Singapore Sling before embarking on their animal-like love affair...

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