Monday, September 8, 2014


...And so the potentially fateful meeting between Randolph and Jessamyn was spoiled because Randolph had a sudden flashback to the stewed cranberries and small curd cottage cheese he'd been fed for lunch.
Mr. Colgate decided he'd better have the family pose for this photo before Crystal knocked out any more windows (or any more of Mark's teeth) during her extended preparation for Hammercrest Middle School's drill team tryouts!
Several folks in Lazarus County found it just a bit too coincidental that the Cottintell kids always seemed to win the annual Easter Egg hunt, with many pointing to their father Pete as the primary culprit...
Marianne spent many an evening lying on the floor by the phone awaiting a call from one of her male classmates, but for whatever reason they opted not to ask her out after daylight had passed.
After this encounter with Cliff, Marsha made it a decided point never again to drive up to the summer cabin on Lake Woebegon without being sure to remember his twenty-four pack of Weidemann beer (and a bottle of Anacin!)
Mere hours before their third concert, Open Wound members Kris, Cigg and Howie decided they'd better go and grab a few more sunglasses and belts from Dianne's Accessory Hutch.

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