Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Sister Mary Sheila used to live for the days when Reverend Mother was off on field trips and missions because she knew she could sneak a little lip rouge and mascara into her daily routine without catching any stink over it.
Bereft of any water or shaving cream at the family campsite, Ricky opted for a bowl of lukewarm milk and some Reddi-Whip in order to get the job done!
Christmas had been fun and all (and the future stewardess had the full support of her family), but Gwen was looking forward to taking down the tree simply to facilitate finding a place to sit in the living room!
Business at The Wooden Dime Saloon had dropped off to the extent that Miss Lizzie took to performing her song & dance routines without benefit of a skirt.  The doors closed for good after four days of this...
The progressive little town of Ford City, Pennsylvania had a driving age of eight, which presented surprisingly few problems except that the schoolyard only had one shaded section in which to park. This meant that Hank and Lee needed to get there early each morning to secure it for themselves.
Ray's "guys trip" to Guadalajara was, for the most part, a blast, until the "entertainment" arrived and he wasn't sure if the heat led the dancers into early-menopause or if the dancers weren't quite ladies to begin with!

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