Friday, September 12, 2014


The interrogation took longer than Edna expected, but finally she was able to squeeze it out of them that it was Francois and not Angelique who chewed up the heel of Edna's Dr. Scholl's sandals. 
Hillary was delighted that she got to pose for a portrait in her new pinafore, but after fifteen minutes of prying her loose regretted doing so against Mr. Sticklemeyer's freshly-painted siding...
Considering how swelteringly hot it was and how harshly the sun was blazing, Jocelyn, Emmaline, Aggie and Cordelia were thankful to get out of their burdensome clothes and slip into their swimsuits for a fast, after school dip in the surf.
No matter how many times Aunt Hester kicked him back into the garden foliage, Theo continued to get up and come back to ask her for another piece of elusive butter rum Lifesaver...
Before the guests arrived for their anniversary party (and before she took the last-minute rollers out of her bangs!), Sylvania forced Herbert, her husband of 35 years, to do a quick run-through of his tribute speech to her and their marriage!
Every once in a while, down at Clench's Pharmacy, Therese liked to gather several satisfied customers around the beauty counter and have them show off the Chinn-Liff Adhesive Straps she'd been hawking for the previous five years.

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