Wednesday, November 6, 2013


A forerunner to contemporary "Save the Tatas" fundraisers was this breast cancer benefit at Rolling Hills Golf and Jai Alai Club in 1959, which turned out to be surprisingly successful and led to a bi-yearly event.
Jack had no real interest in dressing up to go trick-or-treating, but was content to stay inside and play Talk Show Host with "Kitty" Carlisle as a guest and Franklin the pumpkin sidekick, to the delight of his bemused family.
West Virginia's first attempt at a casino came in 1974 with the ill-fated Four of a Kind Funhouse and Grill.  It was later discovered that the cocktail waitresses hid extra aces in their hair, which they then slipped to dealers in trouble.
Among the more progressive military installations of the 1950s was Fort Sunny Bottoms, Mississippi, where only the front gate guard was required to put on something more than his birthday suit since the public was able to see him clearly.  
Initially, Renee found it scintillating to become a groupie to singing cowboy Roy Rogers, but in time she discovered what his wife Dale already knew.  After everything was boiled down, his heart truly belonged to Trigger.
And with that, a potentially happy holiday portrait of the Gagglesons led to a night in the ER when little Tad (front and center, holding the bottle) had to be fitted for a whiplash collar...

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