Friday, November 15, 2013


Happy 100th Posting at Krazy Kaptions!
Time and again Kai-Li had been told by Brian that she must have missed his calls on Friday and Saturday evenings, so finally she took matters into her own hands and made certain she had a phone that she could hear ringing under any circumstances!
The winners circle of the Eastmunster Kennel Club Dog Show.  Sidney (at left of trophy) won the competition, but the juice was sort of taken out of it when the runner-up had actually been Kelly Sue, the young girl in the striped shorts!
Myrtle plotted her revenge carefully and even had her own camera ready when Shirley went to sit on the specially-assigned, faulty patio chair, but in the end Shirley landed on her hair and was unharmed...
Anastasia, the jokester of the family, liked to assign blame in the wrong direction for the smells that came about on the farm after fresh mulch had been laid.
A degenerate from the start, Leroy Gaines would ultimately be kicked out of four different pre-schools and seven elementary schools before finally being permanently transferred to a juvenile detention center.
That awkward, tension-filled moment as Carrie knew she somehow had to break it to Sebastion that this week's episode of Lassie happened to be scheduled opposite the episode of The Brady Bunch that had Davy Jones guest-starring and she was not going to miss it...

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