Monday, November 4, 2013


By this point, Fred was really, seriously regretting having driven Mona in to town to take advantage of the Ben Franklin store's 75% off clearance fabric sale...
And so, once more, an attempt by Grandma Louise to get a nice shot of the front door and stoop was spoiled by the family suddenly congregating to the right, near the camera.
Fay positively adored her new puppet Kongo and her parents were pleased... until the night she went missing and all that could be found were paw prints leading away from the house and a few telltale banana peels along the way!
Though it seemed like a good idea at the time for Patricia, daughter Caroline and great aunt Hope to pose on the floor by the tree, it wound up being less of an inspiration when Hope had to be served her Christmas dinner in a tray on the floor when she couldn't get back up...
Despite his still-busy schedule as a former President of the U.S., Jimmy Carter still found time for important personal events in his family's life, such as daughter Amy's first day at Brown University.
The sun was almost in before Sara Lee mastered the collapsible lounge chairs that dotted the lawn of Miss Cheever's Reducing Spa and Retreat.

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