Tuesday, February 18, 2020


As fun as camping at Lake Podesta was, the shoreline was quite rocky and jagged, so Larry needed to give his feet a soak in the sink after the first afternoon...
Karla and the Marxes strove for success in the late-'70s, but never charted. They were, however, the hit of two proms and about six or seven wedding receptions before disbanding.
He might be feigning disinterest in front of Troy, but Mary Jean knew that Dermot was going to ask for a lick or two of her soft serve and the mere notion of it chilled her to the bone...


BrianB said...

Thank heavens Larry didn't sit on the jagged rocks along Lake Podesta's shoreline!


Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha!! Right...?

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

There's something about the last photo that I really like. I can't exactly describe it...between the different depths (from the girl all the way to the guy working on the car in the back), the blasé look on her face, the half-eaten ice-cream cone, the boots...It looks like it could be the album-cover of a late 60s Warholite-wannabe garage-band.

Poseidon3 said...

I agree! It's very distinctive in its composition, focus, etc... and yet is merely a snapshot. A moment caught in time.