Thursday, February 27, 2020


Raising sheep for clothing wool (and in some instances mutton) wasn't the only reason Little Bo Beep did so. After a bout with Alopecia, she also tended to fashion wigs for herself from the coats of her beloved little creatures...
The fact that Dodie's top-knot ponytail was cute was beside the fact that it was also a very functional hairstyle, especially when her papa Lester wanted to keep close watch on her.
That was one rough night for Jeff, regardless of how much fun he had. In fact, even his little sister's baby doll had to turn away from the action in horror at the 1:00am mark!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I'm assuming inside the creepy doll is where Jeff hid his stash of weed and assorted party pills. If not, then he's got a lot of explaining to do where that doll is concerned!

Poseidon3 said...

I have a feeling he has a lot of explaining to do PERIOD! ;-)