Tuesday, February 11, 2020


Larry spent a long, lonely day at the shoe factory with no one there realizing that it had been his birthday, but when he got back to his apartment, he discovered that his landlords, Phyllis and Virgil Dreadmore, had let themselves in and prepared a surprise party. The three of them had a nice evening.
Veronica had decided long ago that just because she, David and Missy lived in a shack on the shoreline of Tahiti that was no reason for them to live like heathens. She still fixed her hair every day and made sure Missy had a clean dress to wear.
Francine was determined to have a great time the night of her grandfather's wake and kept a couple of guests over afterwards, though in the end they found one another more interesting than her!


BrianB said...

Well maybe Veronica and Missy didn't live like heathens but when David saw the extra leopard fabric from the side chair upholstery project and fashioned himself a tiny Tarzan loin cloth he lived heathen with a capital H! And all of Tahiti approved!


Poseidon3 said...

See...? Every dark cloud has a silver lining!

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I'm trying to decide if the Dreadmores are more like Mr. & Mrs. Roper or Minnie and Roman Castevet. Either way, they strike me as the type of guests who never leave.

Poseidon3 said...

They're harmless, but a tad annoying.