Thursday, November 28, 2019


Happy Thanksgiving
from Krazy Kaptions!
After the rest of the family gorged on Thanksgiving turkey, they all slipped out into the family room for a much-needed nap, leaving Simon strapped to his high chair with all the leftover taste treats lingering tantalizingly out of reach...
Lenora liked things a certain way and struggled to figure out how her holiday bird could effectively be glitzed up a bit before being presented at dinner.
In order to make her mother happy, Lynda Marie brought Ernie over to her place for Thanksgiving dinner, but for security's sake in that steamy little eat-in kitchen, she kept a purple can of Super-Hold Aqua-Net on the nearby counter...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Lynda Marie, shantay you stay.

BrianB said...

Since Lenora has glamour to spare she could probably give up those earrings and hang one from each drumstick for a tonal look.


Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! Right...?!

Brian, great minds think alike. That's what I sort of had in mind when I saw this picture. :-)