Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Early that morning, the guys congregated as close to the women's activity area as they were permitted, but by afternoon they were beginning to forget what the point was and began to become content by themselves...
Mr. Stu D. Baker became a bit of a novelty in the neighborhood, not only for his choice of clothing on car wash day (Saturday), but also because once or twice a month he forgot to make sure all the windows were rolled up before hosing on the pre-rinse!
Technicians down at the motion picture lab were always trying to push new boundaries, like the time Eddie put some 3D glasses on Raymond and asked him to let him know when he was getting too close...!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I hate to say it, but I'm somewhat attracted to Stu. I don't know if it's his neatly-parted hair, the Roman-sandals-and-butt-enhancing-bathing-suit combo, his fast and fabulous car, or the fact that he lives next door to Fred Sanford. Whatever it is, I'm calling dibs!

Poseidon3 said...

I don't find him repellent, necessarily, but I do like his suit (and his car!) I think Randolph (to the right of Raymond in the bottom picture) is probably my fave from this batch though Davey (whose chin is resting in the crook of Thomas's elbow in the top pic) is also in the running. :-D

Shawny said...

Mr Stu D Baker was about to become the third victim of the horrifying butt plug monster, it’s shadow only starting to loom over him before the deadly pounce.

Poseidon3 said...

Ouch! I remember they had to sanitize/change the monster for the 1959 movie adaptation.