Tuesday, November 26, 2019


All the effort of putting up her Christmas tree had caused a dent in Sandy's coiffure, but thankfully she recalled collecting a hat from Democratic headquarters earlier in the month and she was able to obscure the problem with that for a quick snapshot...
When they first headed to the vet, Farfel didn't feel like he had any reason to be going, but once Viola drove him there, swerving all over the road and covering two lanes, he suddenly felt the need for a doctor and perhaps even a tranquilizer!
The New Rochelle Ladies Auxiliary Bruncheon featured a new contest this year and the competition was fierce for "Craziest Chapeau."
 Bonus Pic!

Gladys Rubenwald was none too pleased to have to pay the winner the $31.50, which was half the pot, when she'd spent so much on real silk flowers for her own topper...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Sadly, no one thought to match their purse with their chapeau. That would have been a must on my list!

I hope first prize went to the Anxious Adam in the Garden of Eden hat...at least, that's what I think it is.

Poseidon3 said...

Yes, it looks like Adam has one very big apple! ;-)

BrianB said...

But how smart was Sandy to rub all those Christmas cards against her coif and let the resulting static cling them to the fiberglass drapes like that!


Poseidon3 said...

Ha! She's also a hit at birthday parties that feature plenty of small balloons. ;-)