Thursday, November 7, 2019


This year for the Kiwanis fall fundraiser, a few of the wives got together and put on a show of 1920s song and dance, which some of the more critical attendees dubbed, "Thoroughly Dismal Dottie..."
It was already tough to get a good seat for the parade, but Chuck and his buddies (including crazy Ted) strove to get a great vantage point because they knew that one of the convertibles was going to contain lovely Karen Weston, that year's Miss Persimmon Grove.
Wendra never wanted to join her husband Charlie on his Sunday afternoon fishing trips, especially after a Saturday morning trip to Veronique's for a wash 'n set, but when she found the right headgear, she relented and came along with no carping...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I don't know about you, but I'd pay to see Thoroughly Dismal Dottie.

And, as for Wendra...not as bright as she thinks she is! Sure, her hair will still look amazing when she gets home...but, amazing enough to distract from the white tan line that's going to run across her neck and down into her cleavage??? I don't think so!

Poseidon3 said...

I'd pay low-end community theatre prices, but that's it! And I agree about Wendra. When I'm at the pool, there can be NOTHING blocking me or crossing over me except maybe my own arm if I'm reading. And I switch those off every few minutes. Ha ha!

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I won't even wear a watch in the summer!!!

Shawny said...

Started engaging with the pics and funny I’m confronted with two declarations of full nudity by a pool...what to do...I feel like I have to take a side. I’m sorry but I would have to have trunks on and be swathed in 150 sun block.

Poseidon3 said...

Oh, don't mistake... I wear trunks. They are fairly short, but thankfully those are coming back into style. I love my tan line across the waist. ;-) Gives the illusion of some dimension/definition to my body. Ha ha! And I do wear sunscreen, but only in certain spots and between 30 & 50 spf.