Thursday, November 14, 2019


Utterly tired of autograph seekers, Penelope finally opted for sunglasses to augment her already incognito covered-up winter look.
Jerrod was told to wait at the car while Millicent changed into her suit, but the longer she took, and the hotter the fender became in the sun, the more concerned he became that he'd be able to stick it out until her emergence!
Since she'd dropped a few pounds, Vonda no longer worried about making it down her mother's hallway without scraping the sides, but the height of the door to her bedroom still provided a bit of suspense...


Shawny said...

Penelope during her final moments of positive attitude at the “camp”. Jerrod is definitely gonna leave a mark on that panel. And Vonda looks like she’s about to enter the Wonkavator.

Poseidon3 said...

Some oddballs this time out (like the rest aren't?! - Ha ha !) I thought it was striking how contemporary Jerrod looks while the picture is obviously from, what, 60 to 80 years ago...?!?

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

She might have a hip sense of style, but Vonda's hallway is a little too Repulsion-like for my taste.

Poseidon3 said...

Repulsion-like and repulsive-like. Ha ha!