Tuesday, April 14, 2020


As she sat there with her Hi-C punch, pretzels and Pringle's, Denise had to face the fact that - even at the head table - this was the shittiest wedding reception she'd ever been a part of...
Once the new highway went in, Deerfield Terrace just wasn't attracting the same number of guests that it once had. So the owners stuffed and mounted Raymond and added him to the entrance display. Interest in the place promptly increased demonstrably.
Jessica and Frank had worried unduly that their getaway to Pebble Beach was going to be routine, but once they stumbled upon Rafael, things took a far more interesting turn and it wound up being one of their most memorable trips ever!
Leftover Bonus Easter Pic!

Carole could not have been more fortunate than to bridge her waning days as a Playboy bunny with a transitional gig as an Easter Bunny for hire.

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