Friday, December 18, 2015


Since they knew it was going to be loud at the Soft Cell-Gary Numan-Yes concert, Tracee and Rhett invited some of the gang such as Preston and Fredric over to their place ahead of time for a quick drink.
Simon knew he was supposed to go "on the paper," but honestly Sylvia's breakfast nook carpet was a great deal more comfortable on the feet and didn't make that annoying rustling noise when he walked on it!
Sheridan truly felt at this point that he was getting a bit too old for the annual portrait in front of the tree, but Mrs. Nicklaus was adamant that he take his usual place while she snapped a photo.
Betsy's parents knew at once that she would grow up to be a famous opera singer when they took too long warming her bottle on this otherwise peaceful afternoon.
Having slaughtered a few choice townspeople, Mr. Hyde returned home for a relaxing beer until the potion wore off and he could resume his evening as Dr. Jekyll.
Elena enjoyed outdoor excursions with her parents Maria & Ramon, but every once in a while they would drink too much regular coffee before switching to Sanka and that meant she was in for quite a wild afternoon!
Folks were startled to see a headhunter show up at Randy's 25th birthday party... and even more startled when they discovered which sort of heads he was hunting!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

As I was scrolling down through today's posting, I thought I would comment on that fabulous 80s photo or Sheridan's Christmas snapshot...that is until I landed on Randy's 25th birthday party picture. Only, now that I'm here, it has left me somewhat speechless.

On the plus side, it has given me some ideas of what to wear this New Year's Eve.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Randy's birthday party photo was shown in the Society section in newspaper?

Poseidon3 said...

I appreciate very much the supportive comments and readership that you two have provided. I don't want to give up entirely yet, but coming up with an average 18 photos and captions per week is, as you've noted, overwhelming what with everything else on my plate. It will likely be more like 6 per week!

Randy's party was, needless to say, the high point of the social season, but most of it went unreported in the local paper! LOL But what about Fredric's hair in photo one...? Eek!