Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Dianne knew she'd hit the dating jackpot when Ted took her to The Wicker Wallaby, famed for its Shrimp & Lime Jello appetizers with fresh peach garnish!
At last, Tom and Janice's His & Her infinity bathroom was completed, though their favorite aspect of it was the access door to the side yard.
Yes, the Lewis & Clark expedition was beyond tiring for their guide Sacagawea, but thankfully Lewis had been kind enough to bring along a refreshing 24-pack of Diet Pepsi to help get her over the roughest spots...
Later noted as an incredible over-achiever, young Ben got his start as a go-getter by being made by his parents to race Zipper and Zephyr in the back yard prior to supper!
Plastic surgeons retrieved this photo from Mary Lynn's camera in order to reconstruct her face after Muffin misinterpreted her intent one evening and opted to defend herself!
Unfortunately, Piddles ran away the evening of this photo because she drew the wrong conclusion after hearing Miriam say she'd really love a matching hat and muff to go with her new stole and knew just where to find the fur!


Anonymous said...

I can't even remember the last time I saw a Ford Ranch Wagon! Old cars. Another reason why I like your blog.

Poseidon3 said...

This one could have used a good hosing down, though! ;-)