Thursday, February 28, 2019


When Frank got Carolee to accept a swim date with him on the Jersey Shore, he hadn't dreamed for a moment that she'd bring along her latest pal Gene in the bargain, but as the day wore on he became less and less irritated by it...
Lewis Coleman was thrilled with his strawberry birthday cake and an assortment of large helium balloons until someone opened a window and he went sailing out clinging to this yellow one!
File Photo: Last known picture of The Weinbergers before each one in turn disappeared, leaving only Wendy and her cherished doll Casper...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Casper looks a little like the baby from It's Alive. No wonder the Weinbergers never made to New Year's. Too bad, because I kinda like the way they got the tree to compliment their curtains on such a low budget. Not that killer Casper cares about frugality or fashion sense! Evil has no soul.

Poseidon3 said...

LOL about the budget. If you look closely at Elaine (far right), she may have been the culprit and just blamed li'l Casper for it all! LOL