Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Feeling a little queasy after her questionable lunch at Hurl's Roadside Diner, Flatula asked Ronnie to pull over at the next town so she could look for some bicarbonate of soda at a local drugstore.
File Photo: Even celebrities such as Elsie, the Bordon Cow, have been known to have endured awkward "tween years" as seen in this snapshot from an elementary school career day in the library.
On his way to Ford Theatre, Mr. Lincoln was stopped by a young admirer who asked if he would skip the play "My American Cousin" and instead come to tea at her house with her stuffed animals, but - fatefully - he declined...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

To be truthful, Honest Abe isn't looking so honest. In fact, he's looking downright sinister. Just saying, maybe someone should be checking his basement.

Poseidon3 said...

God, I hope his basement has high ceilings...! Even without the hat he's taalllll. LOL