Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Chet was proud of his wood-working business, which led to sturdy pallet benches and helped to supplement his busy hobby as a snorkelist, but his mother did begin to worry when her formerly dense backyard was ultimately down to just one scrawny tree!
Raymond knew that if he had any shot at all on winning the Mr. Adams County bodybuilding contest, he'd have to squeeze in some extra workouts prior to his shift as deli manager down at the Piggly Wiggly.
This time the other four members of The Tumbling Otters promised they'd be more careful when flipping David so that he'd land on the platform feet first instead of head first!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

...and the winner for "Best Stance in a Swimsuit" goes to Chet.

Raymond was just so busy showing off his weight-lifting skills, he completely forgot to strip down into his Speedo.

As for the Tunbling Otters, come back in a few years when you're Bouncing Bears.

Poseidon3 said...

I was pretty fond of all of 'em, but of the Otters (who I agree are a little undercooked just yet), the one tousling David's hair is my fave.

Shawny said...

One of Raymond’s favorite pastimes was flossing his brain with his barbell.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! Sort of like Steve Martin and his "arrow through the head" schtick.