Tuesday, August 7, 2018


Prior to the success of Teletubbies in 1997, one of Canada's top networks produced an unsuccessful children's series called "Telebunnies" wherein Chompy, Hoppy, Chewy and Goo-Goo espoused the benefits of consuming garden vegetables as well as exercise.
Estelle wondered how much longer she could afford to hide the fact that she was five and a half months pregnant... by her cousin Jeanette's groom Freddie!
The great Czechoslovakian drought of 1962 led not only to the need for paired bathing, but also to several longstanding, intimate friendships as a result...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Telebunnies might not have been a hit down in the US...but, up here in Canada, Hoppy and Goo-Goo taught us not only how to properly pare a carrot, but also where to insert it for maximum pleasure.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha! Talk about your rabbit holes...