Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Tigger was always happy to meet new people, but after being introduced to Misty and her camel toe, it made him recall some of the humped beasts he'd known back in Asia before leaving to come and live at Pooh Corner...
Last minute panic set in when Sharon was about to leave for the sanctuary and realized that she hadn't shaved her legs for four days! So bridesmaid Tawny was pressed into service with a Lady Remington!
Whenever the old cigarette machine spit out the wrong brand or failed to give change, Arch turned into a real beast over it, but the other patrons at The Bent Knife Cafe were so used to him and his tantrums by now that they were hardly phased...
Bradley was a patient little tyke, but Angelica could never contain her excitement during special occasions and was salivating at the idea of a store-bought birthday cake, if only momma would light the candles!
As much as Wanda Sue enjoyed being married to Hank, the lonely nights of an ambulance driver's wife were too often spent fretfully listening to the police scanner for any recent emergencies.
And so this marked the last weekend that Barry retained custody of little Ryan, who unsuccessfully attempted a daring dive into the shallow end of the pool while his father entertained Caren and Teri, a couple of neighborhood girls...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Hmm! The patrons of The Bent Knife Café sure do like to wear their pants a little on the tight side, don't they?

Poseidon3 said...

"Waiter, there's soup on my fly..." Ha! I actually chose this photo because of Brett's pants!