Friday, October 2, 2015


Nick and Suzanne didn't believe in driving while intoxicated, so they often assigned Scout to be their designated driver. He did remarkably well although his inability to differentiate colors did sometimes cause an issue at stoplights!
Mary Lou reached her boiling point after one too many snide comments from Jenny about the decor in Mary Lou's apartment, so she instructed Sateen to teach her catty "friend" a lesson!
Eduardo was infuriated that his pals Skip, Angie and Buzz were in charge of bringing the beer to the party, but only brought enough for themselves!
The Griffiths were so relieved to have their granddaughter Trish back safe and sound and rather grateful to Officer Andrews for retrieving her from inside the back of the Ms. Pac Man arcade game into which she'd crawled to try to get quarters for laundry night...
A browse through old family scrapbooks revealed Loretta's unfortunate penchant for wearing everything off-the-shoulder (way off-the-shoulder) began in the crib and had progressed from there.
And so an otherwise serene family reunion was wrecked when Harlan, Karen and their son Davey showed up on their cycles and disrupted brother Carl's invocation while also circling the food table and causing Aunt Virginia's seven-layer cake to slide apart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a nice car Scout is driving, but look at the station-wagon behind the biker family!
I'm sure we can teach Eduardo and Skip the virtues of sharing?