Monday, April 28, 2014


As they took their place in the receiving line, Dianne dreamed that maybe Fred would be her own groom some day.  First, however, she would have to convince him to actually speak to her...
Leona and Mervyn's happy day had gone off without a hitch... right up until a brave tree squirrel ran up the side of their wedding cake and claimed the topper for use as decor in his knothole nest!
The final round of the Little Miss Sunflower Pageant brought out the worst when it comes to competitiveness, as Rebecca Sue proceeded to hack off one of Lindsay's limbs and pour gasoline down inside it to kill her off and win the crown herself!
Family picture day at The Parolas was one of mom Helen's favorite occasions, but the rest of the family ranged from abject boredom to utter fatigue.
As Halloween drew closer and closer, Suzie worried that people might not recognize her costume of "Elizabeth Taylor," so to get the point across, she doused herself in her mother Ronnie's Wihite Diamonds perfume...
Veronica was proud that not only had she managed to color-coordinate her chair to her ensemble, but she'd found an ingenious way to avoid leaving Final Net residue on the back of it!

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