Tuesday, July 9, 2019


It was determined directly after this shot of The Allways that at least 25% of them needed a diaper change...
With four offspring already and another one on the way according to Carole, Cliff was doubly glad that he was a dentist and could see to the orthodontia of his ever-increasing brood.
With things so slow at Cash Amburgy's Used Car Lot, Steve couldn't really afford a portrait sitting, but thankfully Verladeen had been able to take advantage of a promotion at Hardee's in which one could save up their receipts and turn them in for a complimentary 11" x 16".


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Based on the children's hair color alone, I suspect that the local milkman (or postman, as the case may be) has been going above and beyond his call of duty.

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

...actually, in re-looking at the photos, it is quite possible that Verladeen had picked Mr. Allways' keys out of the fishbowl.

Poseidon3 said...

It's a downright li'l Peyton Place!