Wednesday, April 23, 2014


The entire party had been a blast, but then someone had to go and put Joe Cocker's "You Are So Beautiful" in the CD player, causing some unwelcome and decidedly uncomfortable sentimentality to the evening...
Ralph couldn't bark any louder.  It was 7:58pm, no one was in the living room and the TV still wasn't turned on for "The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin!"
Even Hazel herself wasn't able to explain to Gordon how she'd managed to run over one of IGA's shopping carts and drag it all the way back home underneath her car, but the upside was that they now had a few extra (and dented) canned goods and an additional four unbroken eggs to help get them through the week.
Not even the threat of rain could dampen Gloria's spirits this Halloween.  She had it goin' on and new it was going to be a spectacular holiday!
Allison's mother had carped at her since infancy that going barefoot all the time could widen her feet and give her fallen arches, but she wouldn't listen.  Now here it was the first day of school and they couldn't find any white sneakers in her size...
All the other showgirls had warned Lydia that Las Vegas was full of wolves who would eagerly take advantage of her, but somehow in the case of Boris she didn't seem to mind.


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Little Gloria's got an Yvonne Craig thing going on!

Poseidon3 said...

Isn't she delightful! I love, love, love the way she's holding her free hand. I bet she was a dollbaby.