Wednesday, April 16, 2014


After he'd had his own swim for half an hour, Buford's wife LuAnn asked him to get out so that the lake water would be more shallow when the boys took their dip!
Tricks like fetching the newspaper or rolling over on cue were one thing, but Sebastian was starting to lose patience with Kathy about the time he was induced into providing piggyback rides for her doll collection.
Clifford believed in politeness, so he waited until Lenore had completely finished her chicken leg, macaroni salad and limeade before making his romantic feelings known to her.
At this point it was unanimous.  Never again would the guys allow Private Johnson to drink that much before bed if he wasn't going to be able to hold it until morning.
Todd was accused of having an accident in his new yellow pajamas until it was discovered that Michelle had merely brushed her quickly-melting chocolate Easter bunny in a most inopportune spot earlier that morning!
If Cyril was indeed going to carry through with his ultimate plan of neighborhood control and domination, he was going to have to have a talk with his dad about parking the car right in front of his bike!

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