Thursday, August 25, 2016


Because their garden patch at Brickbat Apartments was so limited in size, Mary Louise and Stan often had contretemps over which vegetables ought to be planted. The real debate kicked in over rutabaga.
Lieutenant Nguyen had many various tools at his disposal for making prisoners talk, from the angry pawing of Red Squirrel to the seductive allure of Ming Ling to even the deceptively soothing touch of White Hare.
What was supposed to be a quiet evening at home between Sally Rae and Herb became altogether too quiet when she mixed him a Harvey Wallbanger that sent him to the floor after just three sips!
Bonus Pic: Forty-five minutes later, Sally Rae still held out hope that Herb would come around, but he actually stayed out like a light until 11:00am the following day!


Anonymous said...

Weren't Sally Rae and Herb featured on Forensic Files or any of those shows decades later?
I think I'll have a Harvey Wallbanger myself!

Poseidon3 said...

Right! Or "Cold Case!" LOL Being that Friday has finally arrived, I'd like one of Sally Rae's drinks myself. (Though I am honestly questioning her gender... Man hands, man feet and man face!)

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

After catching a glimpse of Lieutenant Nguyen and pals, suddenly the Talbot Brothers aren't looking so bad!

Poseidon3 said...

You got a problem with White Hare?? LOL