Tuesday, August 23, 2016


In order to raise funds for the new maternity wing at St. Gertrude's Hospital, the staff put on a scintillating theatrical mystery called "Murder in the Delivery Room," with all profits ($114.67) going towards the dream project.
While his mother was cooking dinner, Phil Zipley used to love to hook up his stereo system with microphone and entertain her as she chopped and stirred. Unfortunately, the day after this photo was taken, he plugged his his mic into the back of the Amana Radar Range by mistake and zapped himself a perm that lasted for two years!
Solidarity was the key word for The Talbot Brothers, with Greggie, Peter and Trey all on hand to fend off anyone who didn't like eldest brother (third from the left) Chuck's unusual choice of attire...
Bonus Pic: Larry spent September through May with his dreary parents, Sid and Marsha, awaiting the day when he'd finally get to spend the summer with his Uncle Earl, who was expert in tutoring the young man in everything from knee bends to ball handling!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I think I'd rather spend the night with a circus clown and his ventriloquist dummy than spend an afternoon with the Talbot Brothers.

Anonymous said...

Opening Night looks like a rehearsal at the same time lol!
Is Earl advertising his tutorials?

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha ha! Knuckles... that is really saying something for YOU! I think Trey's sort of sweet.

Armando, that's so true! Script in hand? So tacky.