Tuesday, January 5, 2016


By FAR, Tarzan's favorite part about being put on a plane and taken to the civilized world was the night he visited The Flamingo Room.
Part of Catwoman's sentence was being mentored in the ways of doing good instead of bad, so she tagged along with Wonder Woman for two weeks with everyone's fingers crossed that the program would stick!
Everett was so happy when Rick and Teddy asked him to come along on their lakeside excursion though as the day wore on, he began to fear that the only reason they'd invited him was because they owned no lounge chairs!


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

And here I was thinking that my $35-a-pop fold-out chairs were oh-so-chic!...when all I really need is a couple of men in tight bathing suits.

Also, I'm curious to know if Everett and friends can duplicate as a sofa, as I am presently in the market for a new one!

Poseidon3 said...

I'm in the market for a double bed myself! Ha! (Poseidon)