Thursday, January 28, 2016


The older women of The Jayston Family had dreams of little Alexander becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but his mother Mary Alice had her heart set on his being a famous hairstylist or at minimum a barber to the stars and would brook no arguments on the subject.
Because of local evacuation due to recent bombings, there were no pretty ladies on hand to greet Colonel Heinzbaum during his visit to Camp Weinerharm, so Fritz, Hans, Dieter and Jurgen were recruited to do the best they could on short notice...
More determined than ever to win a spot as one of The Golddiggers on Dean Martin's variety show, Cynthiana made her little brother Randy take a variety of headshots and poses of her so that she could select the best one and mail it to the producers!


Anonymous said...

And Alexander's fate was sealed.

Poseidon3 said...

He also may have changed the spelling of his name to Alexandre... ;-)