Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Happy Veterans Day!
(No Caption Required!)
While so many of his buddies were burdened with tearful goodbyes from various ladyfriends they'd made in Gestadt, Myron merely had to say farewell to Sylvester and place him in the care of Mrs. Ollsen until he returned.
After having his bed short-sheeted and his shoelaces tied in knots by Private Harmon, Buddy looked forward to introducing his new friend to Harmon's sleeping bag during this field maneuver!
At last Sgt. Bowling had the opportunity to repay the "favor" to Sgt. Hacker for the horrendous haircut he'd given him a few days before...!
Knowing he was considered one of the weaker members of his troop, Clarence decided to toughen himself up by going through a few rounds of hand-to-hand combat with Aunt Charlotte during one of his brief leaves home.
No longer jealous of the soldiers who got to be entertained by Bob Hope, Biff and the gang were thrilled to be paid a visit by Mr. Ed, the talking horse! (It was later determined, however, that "Ed" was from a nearby farm and only spoke when their bottles were half-empty!)
Until the obstacle course at Fort Tumble could be repaired after a recent tornado, the soldiers were compelled to use the playground at nearby St. Sebastian Elementary in order to stay in top condition.
In an inducement to prowess when it came to swimming, Captain Harrison pitted four soldiers against one another with only three prostitutes awaiting them on shore!


Anonymous said...

There's more than one photo with no caption required! ;)

Poseidon3 said...

Copy that! LOL