Monday, November 9, 2015


After two previous fails, Kelsey was bound and determined not to let her owner Therese ship her off to Grandma's for the day without packing a treat! This time she took matters into her own paws...
After Mr. Johnson heartily complained about being awoken each morning by the barking from that infernal dog Louie from next door, Louie decided to change things up a bit and on this morning woke Mr. Johnson up with a spirited rendition of "Swanee River."
Before Antonia and Erica headed off to The Millers to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers game, Antonia was determined to figure out what that smell was that kept wafting through her formal living room.
And so Tania projected all of her own failed dreams of being crowned Miss Albequerque onto Muffin, who was entered into every possible doggie pageant that the area offered, finally winning 4th Runner-Up in the Holidog Invitational that December...
The citizens of Spotswood, New Jersey were so grateful to Penelope for getting all of the children out of the burning orphanage that they decided she should no longer have to ride along on the noisy fire engine during alarms and should, in fact, have her own set of wheels and a driver.
Beverly and Toodles had a little-known agreement. Beverly would take Toodles out to the park for an hour of frolic and play if Toodles agreed to cut Beverly's bangs...


Anonymous said...

Good for Louie!

Poseidon3 said...

In a way it was great that Louie had three songs in his repertoire, but then again, with seven days in each week......