Friday, November 6, 2015


Allyson's mother repeatedly told her to go to bed early and get some sleep before picture day at school the next morning, but she steadfastly refused to listen!
In the wake of the home invasion by Goldilocks, The Three Bears opted to pile into one bed each night until they began to feel secure in their cottage again...
At the Peter Rabbit book-signing, Beatrix Potter had failed to ask for the baby carrot, cauliflower and broccoli crudite that Peter typically demanded and as the afternoon wore on, he began eyeing some of the more delectable children.
Before departing Bushkill Falls, Loretta wanted one quick snapshot with Harry, but came to regret not wearing her trifocals that afternoon before grabbing "him!"
Thus, Wendra's bridal party photos contained a gaping hole where Cynthia was to have stood, but the bridesmaid felt she had to default on her duties rather than walk down the aisle on the arm of a groomsman with what appeared to be a large Sudafed tablet on her head...
After nearly twenty minutes, Charmaine went out back to see why it was taking Clinton so long just to show Woody his snorkel!
Time and again, Nipper tried to lead Eddie back to the bedroom in order to prove that Lorena was keeping time with the UPS driver, so after several futile attempts, he decided to hop onto the bed and retrieve proof of her infidelity!


Anonymous said...

If Loretta thought that was Harry, then Harry must have a thick furcoat!

Poseidon3 said...

Let's just say that poor eyesight wasn't Loretta's only dulled sense...