Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Maureen loved getting dressed up on Saturday afternoon in her best suit and hat, but at this stage in her rehabilitation she was only permitted to stroll around the fenced-in yard, not mix with actual townspeople on the street.
File photo from Case # 1411-B of Steve when he was still just lifting weights in the playground and not bench-pressing the teeter-totter with petrified children still atop it on either side!
Few things raised more eyebrows in the navy than Captain Harry Pantzoff's insistence on always having Ensign Scott "Happy" Hopper assigned to every base and/or ship that he was during his long and storied career...
And, thus, after endless failed attempts, Otto Fohkus finally figured out the mechanics of self-portrait photography, in essence taking the world's first "selfie!"
Rocco never had a harem of less than three young ladies to help slather him down with suntan lotion, so it came as quite a surprise this day when one of his henchmen, Louie Latham, suddenly volunteered to pitch in on the task!
And so, despite any derisive comments that his less fashion-forward classmates might make, Leon set out for the Flag Day pancake breakfast in the red, white & blue outfit of his own creation...
While the sundial at Harding Technical College was being re-bronzed, Joey Stiffman surprised everyone by volunteering to stand at attention each morning in order to help convey to everyone what time of day it was...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Scott is really creeping me the point where I can't even enjoy Joey Stiffman! Damn you, Ensign Hopper!!!!

Anonymous said...

Harry and Scott look very "happy" and kinky together, those naughty boys.
With Joey around, who needs a sundial?

Poseidon3 said...

Poor Knuckles! I forgot about your clown thing... You'll just have to right-click on Joey and look at him separately whenever you can! ;-)

Joey is popular with y'all as I predicted before revealing him to you!

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Yeah, but Joey ain't no Ray!!!

I had to go back to your July 8th posting and sneak another peek.

I feel much better now!