Thursday, September 26, 2019


While it's true that it took a certain adjustment period, in the end Sherry happily came to terms with her brother Clayton morphing into Carolyn, especially since they wore the same size and could share clothes!
This was Angie's first Christmas without Carmine, who was doing a bit of a stretch in the clink for illegal horse race gambling, so she kept decorations to a minimum and also cut way back on her party-going until he was back in her arms...
Estelle was still making payments on her new sofa and refused to let any of the family sit on it yet, lest it become creased or stained, which made for some awkward positioning when it was time to watch Texaco Star Theatre...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Can't bring myself to talk about Sherry, Carolyn or Angie. Am too disturbed by the devil face in Estelle's window.

Poseidon3 said...

Ha! Wow....! I hadn't noticed that... Happy Halloween!

Shawny said...

Sherry/Carolyn, looks like their faces are poking through from holes in the wall behind the couch. It’s an elaborate cutout photo board.

Poseidon3 said...

Stranger things have happened... but not much! LOL