Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Amelia Fay proudly won first place in the 46th Annual Bricker County Spelling Bee when her only other opponent spelled "cat" as "k-a-t"...
Just before it was time to leave the pool deck, Glen ordered a Singapore Sling and a pair of wire snippers, the latter to help cut off his swim trunks once he reached the cabana!
...and so once again, just as they were about to snap a commemorative photo for their album, Uncle Hal felt the need to slip away and answer the call of nature rather than pose with his wife Carol and nephew Alan.


BrianB said...

Wow, when I won the spelling bee all I got was a pad of lined paper and gold colored pencil that said along the side "From Your Friends at the Corning Kawanis"! That bitch Amelia Faye got a trophy big enough to use as a room divider! Years from now when her back hurts so bad she can't lift a donut, we'll know why!


Poseidon3 said...

What can I tell you... The Bricker County educators really wanted to promote scholastic excellence. LOL

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Nice try, Glen! I know you want us to believe you've got the same waist you had in high school...but, I suspect there's been a little sucking-in-of-the-stomach just prior to the photo being snapped.

Poseidon3 said...

Even so, I wouldn't mind a little sucking-in with Glen! Ha ha!

Shawny said...

“A boy’s best friend is his mother.”

Poseidon3 said...

Ha ha! Maybe the two of them went off and opened the Bates Motel.