Tuesday, July 4, 2017


The Crescentville and South Sheboygan basketball team became legendary for not only their impeccable teamwork and chemistry together but also primarily for the fact that they were able to win games with only three players against five and by a decent margin.

After a long, tiring week on the assembly line at Latimer Bolts and Toggle, Anson raced to his car, headed to the lake and immediately pitched a pup tent for the weekend.

More than a few of his coworkers at Croft & Burlow law firm were stunned at Terry's choice of headgear for the annual Derby Day luncheon, but not one of them had the guts to suggest that he remove it, even after the race was over and the results were heard on the radio...


Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

I think I might be developing a crush on the guy heading towards the lake. If only he weren't so far in the distance.

Poseidon3 said...

I deliberately chose to leave him in the picture and not crop him out! :-D At first, I thought he was naked, but there's a belt...

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

No!!!! Don't say that. I'm sure it's just a tan line...or a shadow. Anything but a belt...unless, it's just a belt!

Poseidon3 said...

I have NO CLUE why this one photo out of all of them will not enlarge like the rest. I've just spent 30 minutes trying to retrieve it so that I could re-do it in the post to make it bigger, to no avail. Aggravating!!!!

Knuckles Girlyskirt said...

Just finished downloading the photo onto my desktop, then changed the pixels on the photo to enlarge it and make it clearer.

And, although I cannot say with 100% accuracy that he is naked...there's no visible proof that he isn't (at least on my computer there isn't.)

So, I'm going to keep the fantasy alive and go with the bare butt option. I suggest you do the same, thereby making this photo the most analyzed one to date.

Poseidon3 said...

I forgot that I'd done this particular post at home (most unusual) and fortunately still had the pic on my hard drive, so now it finally can be viewed larger like the others. Clothed or naked, though, the man is built! :-)